Climate-KIC is one of three Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) created in 2010 by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The EIT is an EU body whose mission is to create sustainable growth. Climate-KIC supports this mission by addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation. They integrate education, entrepreneurship and innovation resulting in connected, creative transformation of knowledge and ideas into economically viable products or services that help to mitigate climate change.
Since 2014
Acting as an independent reviewer for climate change adaptation project proposals.
2017 – 2018: Report on adaptation business development strategy
Climate financing is – as part of responsible investments – inevitable for the investment industry within the Netherlands. Serious efforts are made to become front runner within the global industry of climate impact investments. Within the international market, Multi-lateral Development Banks are shifting towards resilient impact investments and maturing frameworks demand disclosure and due diligence that comprise assessments that emphasise relevant climate impact. This report is about revealing common trends across the Dutch climate adaptation landscape and proposes an alternative perspective to instigate climate financing and offer explicit business development opportunities for the responsible investment industry.
2014 – 2016: The climate impact assessment guidance – Adaptation
Monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the performance of projects that aim to increase resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change is challenging. The developed guidance is a technical document for Climate-KIC project proponents to assist in the narrative of climate relevance of the adaptation to climate change proposition. An novel framework provides Climate-KIC project proponents to consider the adaptation to climate change contribution by stating social and environmental objectives relevant to stakeholders. In addition, the guidance pursues uniform climate impact results, by means of specific monetary outcome indicators, to all types of adaptation project.
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands